Resolving Excel Macro Issues Caused by Microsoft Security Baselines

Microsoft Security Baselines provide a set of recommended configuration settings for securing your environment. However, sometimes these settings c...

Jun 7, 2024

Demystifying UPS & Battery Backup Specs

When it comes to picking the right UPS, here’s my rule of thumb: Buy one around $400. While I’m content to stand by this over-simplified advice, in...

Mar 27, 2023

7 Ingredients for Good Cybersecurity

It used to be that IT services providers would sell you an expensive firewall, install the “best” antivirus, do some kind of patch management, and ...

Sep 21, 2022

Convergence of IT & Programming

When I tell people that I work in IT, they often assume that I know how to code. Programmers are an entirely different breed of nerds from IT profe...

Aug 5, 2022

Canva: Easy Business Video Presentations in Under 1 hour

A new client recently asked me if we could produce a quick intro video that he could send out to his staff. It was a bit of an unusual request, sin...

Jul 11, 2022

Getting Your Security DUCS in a Row (with Microsoft 365 Business Premium)

I was at a conference where I asked a group of IT professionals what they’re doing about security.  I mentioned that we adopted Microsoft 365 Busin...

Jun 10, 2022

How Detailed Does HIPAA Policy and Procedures Need to Be?

The following is a conversation with our consultant, Ben Beninati, from Compliancy Group. Compliancy Group ( specializ...

May 9, 2022

Easily Work with Files in Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams has quickly become the centerpiece of Microsoft’s cloud-enabled workforce, acting as the portal for all things Microsoft. Saving fi...

Apr 27, 2022

Fox and the Hens:  A Cybersecurity Story

You, the farmer, have a lovely den of hens, providing you with a daily supply of fresh eggs. It wasn’t long before the clever fox took notice.  Fir...

Apr 11, 2022

Quick Network Tip: Ask for VeloCloud by name

As more business data moves to the cloud, the more important it becomes to consider having a backup Internet connection.  Traditionally this was do...

Apr 2, 2022

Freedom from Patch Management!

How long have you stayed up late night catching computers up on updates? How many times have you implored users to leave their computers on, only t...

Mar 10, 2022

Password theft, MFA, and the Evolving Cleverness of Hackers

If you ask me what’s the most important thing you can do for cyber security, the answer is easy: MFA (multi-factor authentication). Password theft ...

Feb 26, 2022

Client Tools

Remote Support
